Meet an ADP employee
There are many different types of jobs at ADP, and even though we work side by side, we are not alike. We have a common set of values that ensures everyone’s skills are always utilized optimally – either in teams or as individuals.
Our employees cover many fields such as operations and maintenance, construction, sales and marketing, finance, and IT. The increased commercial focus and development means that our staff now also includes specialists in transport and logistics, as well as experienced project managers and project developers who handle our large property development projects at Taulov Dry Port.

Jonas Brix Schrøder Pedersen - Crane operator
I feel at ease in my current job. I have tried many different things, but I have never felt as comfortable in a job as I do now. My origional education was wihtin sales, and i have been working as a so-called “best man,” where I served as a skipper on the boats that transported crews to wind farms. After ten years, I took a job at ADP, and became an apprentice and qualified as a crane operator. My biggest fear when I “came ashore” was whether I would be able to settle in, but I certainly have.

Sandra Lomholt Jakobsen - Apprentice in Finance
ADP is a very interesting and exciting company to be a part of, providing a secure environment for apprentices. I have the opportunity to get a comprehensive understanding of finance. I am developing a lot professionally, and I get to work on many exciting tasks that are highly relevant to my education. You quickly become integrated into the company, and I have already been given a lot of responsibility and I have a say in what I would like to learn.

Mikkel Nielsen - Electrician
It’s great to be a part of ADP and a company that is rapidly developing. It’s exciting to work with the big cranes, even when there are breakdowns, and it can get a bit stressful. Every day is different. The most important thing for me is that I can do things properly – I take pride in my work. And it’s good to have great colleagues and good cooperation across departments.

Maibritt Madsen - Business Controller
22 years ago, I began my career at ADP as a financial assistant with bookkeeping tasks, etc. Since then, my role has changed, first to Financial Controller in 2018 and most recently to Business Controller with a focus on supporting administration and sales. I have stayed with ADP for so many years because I have been enhanced to continuous development. I have always enjoyed to fulfill my responsibilities and I have always had good colleagues. Overall, I feel that I have been part of the exciting development that ADP has undergone.